1·Three British security guards board a helicopter to be transferred to a Royal Navy vessel.
2·Explore the inner workings of a Navy vessel and track the movements of the Australian Navy over a year.
3·Some Australian military personnel will remain in Iraq to protect diplomats and a navy vessel will continue to patrol the Persian Gulf.
4·When a Navy vessel is being built the ship yard doing the construction must apply to the Parts Control Center to CID Numbers on all valves before the Navy will accept delivery of the vessel.
5·When a Navy vessel is being built, the shipyard doing the construction must apply to the Parts Control Center for CID Numbers for all valves before the Navy will accept delivery of the vessel.
6·When a Navy vessel is being built, the ship yard doing the construction must apply to the Parts Control Center for CID Numbers on all valves before the Navy will accept delivery of the vessel.
7·Bizarrely, on the evening that the Sydney went down, they received a call from a friend working in navy intelligence telling them the vessel had sunk.
8·The Navy currently has an aircraft carrier strike group and an amphibious landing vessel, with Marines and helicopters, in the Red Sea.
9·Five Somali pirates convicted of attacking a US Navy ship they mistook for a merchant vessel last November have been sentenced to life in prison, the BBC reported.
10·Sea Shepherd's founder, Paul Watson, called on the Australian navy to protect the group's remaining ships, the Steve Irwin and a converted harpoon vessel, the Bob Barker.
“海洋守护者”的创始人保罗·沃森(Paul Watson)呼吁澳大利亚海军保护该组织的其他两艘船舰:“史蒂夫欧文号”(Steve Irwin)和一艘改装的鱼叉船“鲍勃巴克号”(Bob Barker)。